
10 2022

Impact through Art & Fashion on Sustainability & Social Justice

8:00PM - 9:30PM  

To register, go to https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrfugqDIoHtQpzvlQNlZMJ2AUPC157_6g

Contact Lisa Marie Lynch
503-246-8831 (Phone)
503-246-7553 (Fax)

Can art, fashion and design make a change in the world? How can we use creativity as a tool to empower subgroups in Israel, and can these groups change and inspire the "Israeli mainstream"?

In this engaging program, we will virtually meet Israeli artists and designers who are dedicated to galvanizing minorities in Israel and to strengthen Israeli society as a whole with their art and heart. This is a unique opportunity to dive deeper into Israeli culture and to learn about the different identities within Israel.

Join Liraz (Liri) Cohen Mordechai, who established Fashionating by Liri Inc. Its mission is to empower Israeli fashion designers, brands and companies and to present Israel's story through a unique perspective on fashion. Liri is a fashion lecturer, NYC fashion blogger, and manages the NY-Israel Fash & Tech Meetup community.

To register, go to https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrfugqDIoHtQpzvlQNlZMJ2AUPC157_6g

Sponsor: Neveh Shalom’s Israel360, PDX Hillel, and PSU's CHAI