
20 2017

Neveh Shalom Book/Film Club

6:00PM - 9:30PM  

Congregation Neveh Shalom
Stampfer Chapel 2900 SW Peaceful Lane
Portland, OR 97239
503-246-8831 (Phone)
503-246-7553 (Fax)


Contact Kaiya Goldahammer

Neveh Shalom Book/Film Club

Love to read, watch films and make new friends? Then this club is for you!  We will be reading books and watching film adaptations that relate to some aspect of Judaism - either a Jewish author, Jewish themes, etc.  Our first book/film is by bestselling author, Jennifer Weiner, and is entitled "In Her Shoes," a New York Times bestseller.  Come prepared to talk about the book and then watch the movie starring Cameron Diaz, Toni Collette and Shirley MacLaine.  For more information, email kgoldhammer@nevehshalom.org

Please BYODD (bring your own dairy dinner)!