
31 2021

BB Camp's One Who Knows?

4:00PM - 7:00PM  

Contact Noa Rubin

Join BB Camp as we play the virtual game show taking the camp world by storm... WHO KNOWS ONE?
Sunday, January 31 at 4pm
Livestream on our Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/BBCamp
Some of our most tried & true volunteers will compete to find the “CHOSEN ONE” in an exciting game of Jewish Geography where “It is not who you know, but who you know knows!”

Who will win?
Men’s Camp or ReJewv
Our Medical Team or our BBYO Leaders
GenX, Millenials or Boomers?
Tune in to find out
You can play along too, by honoring volunteers through gifts which will unlock “lifelines” for the contestants of your choice

Who Knows One is a game show that, above all else, is about community and connectivity. The game itself is hilarious and fun, but the show wouldn't exist or have the following it does if it weren't for the spirit of connection - and reconnection - that surrounds it. Check out this video - https://www.facebook.com/WhoKnowsOne/videos/404952380941384/ to see one of the latest games.