
30 2017

The Kindness Commons Presents: Israel 360

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Congregation Neveh Shalom: Conservative 2900 SW Peaceful Lane
Portland, OR

Contact Lila Woloshin

The Kindness Commons Presents: Israel 360

About Israel360

Israel360 is a pilot project of The Kindness Commons™ and is housed at Congregation Neveh Shalom, Portland, Oregon.

Israel360 is a series of regularly occurring programs that will consider many aspects of Israel–modern and ancient–from diverse viewpoints and approaches. Some sessions will have a cultural, political or military focus, while other events will examine Israeli history, sociology or the peace process.

In today’s world, any mention of Israel can be contentious, because people arrive at events with pre-formed opinions. To help us grow past this, and to model the Jewish values of shmirat halashon (thoughtful speech), derekh eretz (civility) and makhlokhet l’shem shamayim (directed dialogue), all programs will be facilitated.

At each event, attendees will be reminded of a set of guidelines for participation. The goal is to ensure that dialogue and discussion are respectful and that questions and comments spring from a sense of curiosity rather than a desire to prove a position or score a rhetorical point.

About The Kindness Commons™:

*The Kindness Commons™ is an initiative and gift of Rabbi David Kosak. Like all commons, it provides free access to necessary societal goods. In this case, those goods are the Jewish tradition’s deep wisdom on how to build functional, caring and durable communities. Core components and teachings of The Kindness Commons™ center on:

  • Kindness (chesed)
  • Civility and caring behavior (shmirat halashon and derekh eretz)
  • Rich and respectful conversation and dialogue (makhlokhet l’shem shamayim), 
  • Mutual responsibility (kol yisrael ma’arivin zeh b’zeh and tikkun olam)

Upcoming Events:

Thursday, March 30, 7:00pm
The Role of Ethics in the Israeli Defense Forces

Thursday, April 27, 7:00pm
Understanding Israeli Borders from Antiquity to Modernity

Thursday, May 25, 7:00pm
Topic TBA

All events are FREE admission. RSVP requested: 503.246.8831 ~

Sponsorship is sought for future programing. Please contact for more information.