
23 2019

"Two Sided Story" Movie

1:00PM - 4:00PM  

Birnbach Hall, Neveh Shalom 2900 SW Peaceful Lane
Portland, OR 97239


Contact Tori Nunnenkamp

$ Cost $ 5.00

In the film, Two-Sided Story, Emmy award director--Tor Ben Mayor--follows a group of 27 Palestinians and Israelis who meet through a unique project called “History through the Human Eye” led by The Parents Circle-Families Forum –bereaved Palestinian and Israelis for Peace and Reconciliation. The project’s goal is to acknowledge the narrative of the other. The group includes over 600 bereaved families--Orthodox Jews, religious Muslims, settlers, ex-soldiers in the Israeli army, ex-security prisoners, citizens of the Gaza strip, kibbutz members, second-generation holocaust survivors, nonviolent activists and more. Each and every one holds his/her own historical truth and carries her/his own emotional baggage.

We'll watch the film, then break for a nosh and conversation afterwards. There will be a $5 fee, contact the office to sign up or go to tinyurl.com/israel360-2sidedstory.



Sponsor: Israel360 at Neveh Shalom