Kol Shalom creates path to support Black resilience

The Black Resilience Fund was created two months ago by Portlanders Cameron Whitten and Salome Chimuku in response to the Black Lives Matter movement. They recognized that, in addition to the systemic changes that needed to occur, there was an urgent need to provide financial resources now to Black Portlanders in need, especially those seriously affected by COVID-19.
Kol Shalom, Portland’s Community for Humanistic Judaism, has created a portal on the Black Resilience Fund’s website where all members of the Portland Jewish community may contribute. 
“This is one important way for us, as Jews, to help Black people in need and to show our solidarity and support for our Black friends and neighbors,” says Barbara Weisman, member of Kol Shalom’s Social Action Committee. “Please read more (at BlackResilienceFund.com) and donate whatever you can.” 
Tax-deductible donations help the Portland Black community with medical bills, rent, transportation, food, phone and internet, daycare, gas and electricity, and legal fees, to name a few. As of Aug. 12, almost 15,000 donors have contributed almost $1.5 million.
The Social Action Committee Chair Randolph Splitter created this portal for the Jewish community to give to the group: secure.givelively.org/teams/brown-hope/black-resilience-fund/jewish-support-for-black-lives


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