- Consider dietary requests when meal planning
- Increase awareness of food allergies by avoiding peanuts and tree nuts, labeling dishes, offering vegan and gluten-free options
- Have staff nearby if someone has a question when food is served
- If it’s a buffet get a table where people can reach arm’s length across (sit in a chair and you can test if a wheelchair user can grab and see the buffet
- Offer nonalcoholic drinks
If you plan to host a group at a restaurant:
- Consider visiting the establishment before ensuring accessibility
- Check for elevator option, accessible bathrooms/parking, curb service, wide hallways, loudness of venue, lighting of venue, or moveable furniture.
- Be aware of what public transportation options are in area
- Think of others dietary needs when browsing for places to go
- If the establishment has a roof top, ask if they have an elevator
- Offer carpool, to pay for uber
- Let the venue know about guide dogs
Use iAccess Life: A Yelp-style mobile app for users with and without disabilities Here’s iAccess Life app website to download and find accessible restaurants
Below are some more resources