Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule an appointment to use the Mikvah?

Immersion requests via email or by texting/calling 971.220.5580. PLEASE NOTE: your request must be received at least 4 days in advance of your requested time (not counting Shabbat/other hagim).

You will receive a confirmation of your appointment by email or text.

FIRST TIME USERS: While waiting for a reply to your immersion request email/text/call, please complete the first time user form.


How much does using Rachel's Well cost?

We rely on donations to support our operations however NO ONE is turned away for inability to donate. We ask for a suggested donation based on the type of appointment:

  • $25 per single, regular use (niddah, eve of holidays, etc.)
  • $75 for conversions, weddings and other special occasions. 

Annual Memberships with unlimited uses of the Mikvah are also available:

  • $250 for individual yearly membership
  • $450 for family yearly membership (includes 2 adults & all children in household under 18)
  • Make immersion payments here.

Effective November 15, 2021 new suggested contributions:

  • Conversions $118
  • One-Time Lifecycle Passages/Personal Transitions (e.g. Pre-Wedding, Celebration, Healing) $72
  • Repeated Use (e.g. Niddah, Before Shabbat & Other Holidays) $30



  • Individual $300  Family unlimited $500

► How do I prepare for a Mikvah visit?

Being clean is necessary before using the Mikvah; everyone must shower before entering, even if you bathed right before your appointment​. We provide 2 preparation rooms where you can undress, remove all jewelry, wash, shampoo, brush teeth, and remove all obstacles (physical & symbolic) between your body and the Mikvah waters.


► How does Rachel's Well handle conversions?
  • The conversion immersion is the first immersion, i.e. there are no trial runs.​ The Av Bet Din determines the halachic parameters of each conversion. 
  • Conversions must take place within earshot of the sponsoring clergy, except if the Bet Din has already taken place and the immersion had to be delayed due to menstruation or a Chatitzah that is unacceptable to the sponsoring rabbi. In such a case, the person may make an individual appointment to come back to complete the process. 
  • A witness is required for all conversions. A person of another faith may be also present, but isn’t qualified to serve as a witness.​ Any adult Jewish person of the same gender may serve as a witness for another person’s immersion. Gender may be self-defined.
  • In the case of a transgender conversion candidate, the Av Bet Din, in consultation with the candidate, will share appropriate details with the Mikvah Coordinator for the purposes of bringing sensitivity and privacy to the candidate’s experience.

► How do I access the Dish Mikvah?

  • The dish mikvah is available for use by request only. It is kept locked for safety reasons. Please email or text/call 971.220.5580 to gain access. Donations to Rachel's Well to maintain the dish mikvah are greatly appreciated.


► How can I support the Community Mikvah?

Rachel's Well Community Mikvah runs on donations, ensuring everyone can have access to this important Jewish ritual. Help us ensure the Mikvah's future by making a donation now

You can also volunteer as a Mikvah Guide, trained to provide safe, welcoming and discreet experiences for Mikvah visitors. For any immersion other than a conversion, the immerser is responsible for finding a personally meaningful level of physical preparation. Mikvah Guides facilitate both halachic and contemporary immersions. Email or call 971.220.5580 to get involved.

Rabbinic Supervision by Rabbi Eliyahu Stern and the Oregon Board of Rabbis' Mikvah Subcommittee.