Generously funded by the A. Victor & Betty Rosenfeld Leadership Development Endowment Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation

PDX Pathways is your guide to creating stronger connections within your Jewish community! 


PDX Pathways Fall 2024 Cohort
Applications are now available!






PDX Pathways is an exciting young professionals networking, mentorship, and community involvement experience. 

This innovative program offers an experience to our NextGen community (Jewish Young Adults ages 22-40) with networking opportunities, exposure to meaningful Jewish experiences in Portland,
as well as access to and mentoring from prominent community and business leaders.


Pathways focuses on developing leadership skills while fostering community engagement. The 2024 Fall six-month long program will feature a combination of monthly, large, full cohort meetings, opportunities, and community-based projects, as well as intimate (3-5 mentees) monthly mentor meetings.


You are:


  • A professional who identifies as Jewish in the Greater Portland community ages 22-40.
  • Wanting to engage with the Portland Jewish community, ready to participate and hoping to engage further.
  • Enthusiastic learner with curiosity to know more about the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland and the Portland Jewish community, as well as your potential role as a leader.
  • Open and receptive to new ways of learning and to trying new ideas.
  • Excited to participate and commit time to a Jewish volunteer experience and a JFGP Annual Campaign opportunity.
  • Willing to contribute a minimum donation gift of $36 to the JFGP 2025 Annual Campaign should you be invited to participate in the Fall 2024 program.

Fall 2024 PDX Pathways Timeline:


  • Applications Available Wednesday, July 17 – Wednesday, August 7, 2024
  • Interviews August 14 – August 30
  • PDX Pathways Cohort 7 Participant Notifications: September 6
  • PDX Pathways Kick-Off Event September 18, 2024
  • PDX Pathways Program September 18, 2024 – February 2025 with monthly large cohort opportunities and smaller monthly mentor meetings


Looking forward to receiving your application for the PDX Pathways 2024 Fall Launch! 
For any additional information, 
questions or if interested in mentor information, 
please contact Laura Jeser at



How will you launch your future?

How PDX Pathways works

Personal Growth & Group Mentorship

Participants will have the opportunity to work with a mentoring group that best fits their personal goals: young professional, for fellows new to their career; mid-level professionals, for those climbing the career ladder; leadership development, for fellows looking to expand their engagement in the Jewish community; and J-Pro, for participants who work or wish to work for a Jewish organization. Each group will have a mentor who specializes in that topic!

Relationship Building

PDX Pathways participants will have opportunities to network with their peers, meet program alumni, and make lifelong friends all throughout the process. From small group mentoring with like-minded groupmates, to fun social events with the entire cohort, PDX Pathways is an opportunity to create bonds with young professionals just like you. Participants will feel empowered to continue their involvement in the community and will be part of an exclusive network of program alumni.

Jewish Community Building

Fellows will graduate from the PDX Pathways program with an enhanced knowledge of everything the Greater Portland Jewish community has to offer. Participants will hear from community leaders and organizational professionals about the current landscapes at their organizations, from tackling allocations at the Jewish Federation to nourishing Shabbat dinners at OneTable. Pathways alumni go on to serve on boards and committees across the Jewish community, making a difference for years to come.


“I really enjoyed that I learned so much about all the programs and offerings available to Jews here in Portland. That was incredibly valuable!”

“I liked the overall rapport that the cohort had with each other. I think there were some dynamics that allowed to folks to gently be held accountable and challenged in productive ways.”

“It was awesome. I wish there could have been more group events with all of the mentors and all of the program participants.”

“We had an opportunity to share challenges in communicating at work. That was helpful in knowing that I am not alone in my experience!”

“I found that the affirmation from them surrounding my career path and my Jewish identity to be the most helpful. Plus, given that my groupmates came from different sectors of the human service/nonprofit world, I learned quite a bit about navigating different partnerships.”