
22 2024

First Night of Passover Community Seder at Gesher

5:00PM - 8:30PM  

Contact Rabbi Laurie Rutenberg

This is the most important story that we live: the passage from slavery to freedom defines us as a people.  It cultivates our soulful search for justice.  We confront the Pharaohs of our day, external and internal and explore how we tell our own and our people's search for freedom and release. Gesher's rabbis invite you to Gesher's Passover Seder Feast while we together explore our journey from slavery to freedom and ask what makes this night, and this year, like and different from other Passover nights. Bring your compassionate heart and a pillow to lean on.  All are welcome. Donation information, other details at www.ourjewishhome.org. RSVP necessary!