
28 2018

Shabbat Morning Service with Rabbi Hannah Laner

10:00AM - 12:00PM  

P'nai OR of Portland: Jewish Renewal 9750 SW Terwilliger Blvd
Portland, OR 97219
(503) 248-4500 admin@pnaiorpdx.org

Shabbat Morning Service with Rabbi Hannah Laner

Shabbat morning service followed by an Oneg Shabbat.

Rabbi Hannah Laner is a rabbi and cantorial soloist with over twenty-five years’ experience creating and leading services for High Holidays, Shabbat, and other holidays. She is a professional Jewish educator who infuses her teaching with a passionate love of Torah and tradition. As an officiant of lifecycle rituals, she engages students, families, and couples in meaningful rites of passage. She is also a certified psychotherapist with skills at counseling students, families, and couples.

She has led services for Congregation Nevei Kodesh – a Jewish Renewal congregation in Boulder, Colorado – since 1988 and has also served as High Holy Day leader at several other congregations in the Boulder area. She received smicha (ordination) from the ALEPH (Jewish Renewal) rabbinic training program in 2013, and she has engaged in study through the Pardes Institute in Israel, the ALEPH Davenen Leadership Training Program, and the Maggidah program taught by Maggidah Devorah Zaslow and Rabbi David Zaslow. She has studied with Reb Zalman in Naropa University and completed a year of intensive training in Rabbi Tirzah Firestone’s Ma’ayan Raz program.

Sponsor: P'nai Or of Portland