
29 2020

Weekly Wednesday Update--Agency Leaders on the Front Line

2:00PM - 3:30PM  

Join the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland 
for a COVID-19 Community Health Update

Agency Leaders on the Front Line

How are we doing? An inside look to the adjustments our agencies are making during the pandemic.

Wednesday, April 29th
2:00 p.m. -- via Zoom

Michelle Koplan – Executive Director, B'nai B'rith Camp
Kimberly Fuson – Executive Director, Cedar Sinai Park
David Block – Executive Director, Jewish Family and Child Service
Steve Albert – Executive Director, Mittleman Jewish Community Center/Portland Jewish Academy
Judith Margles – Executive Director, Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education
Merrill Hendin - Principal, Portland Jewish Academy

Hosted by

Lauren Goldstein, Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, Chair of the Board
Marc Blattner, Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, President & CEO