When you get involved with Solomon’s Legacy Society, you can:
• Develop camaraderie with other Jewish legal professionals in the local community.
• Strengthen your commitment to Jewish values and traditions through educational
and cultural programs
• Explore legal issues from a Jewish perspective
• Earn C.L.E. credits
• Foster leadership among Jewish attorneys, judges, and law students within the
organized Jewish community
The Solomon’s Legacy Society is Chaired by Marshal P. Spector, Attorney
Solomon’s Legacy Committee:
Julie Caron, Associate Vice President, Global Diversity & Inclusion: Title IX & ADA Coordinator, Portland State University
Max Forer, Attorney
Eric Kodesch, Attorney
Professor Rebekah Hanley, University of Oregon School of Law
Eli Pite, student, Lewis & Clark Law School
Laura Polster, Attorney
Rob Shlachter, Attorney and Mediator
Chuck Tauman, Attorney (retired)
Martha Izenson, Attorney
To learn more please contact Marc Blattner at marc@jewishportland.org or call (503) 245-6482