
6 2019

BB Camp Annual Chocolate Seder at CBI Date Night

5:00PM - 8:00PM  

Congregation Beth Israel: Reform 1972 NW Flanders
Portland, OR

Contact Max Ruzi

$ Cost $ 18.00

CBI Date Night gets a delicious twist this month with B’nai B’rith Camp’s Fourth Annual Chocolate Seder! Join CBI and BB Camp for an evening of games, Havdallah, pizza dinner, and of course, a chocolatey Seder in preparation for Passover.

Are you in middle school and also love chocolate? HAVE NO FEAR! There is a chocolate seder for you too! Register with the same link!

Who: Kindergarten-Grade 8
Where: Congregation Beth Israel
Cost: $18
Register at: https://bbcamp.org/choco-seder/

Please feel free to reach out for questions!
Max: MRuzi@bbcamp.org | 503.496.7449
Chelsea: Chelsea@BethIsrael-pdx.org | 503.222.1069