The MJCC proudly presents the 3rd Annual Israeli Film Series featuring three extraordinary films with special guests. Each film was selected for its quality and ability to excite, delight, enlighten, provoke and/or move viewers to tears or laughter. You will not want to miss out on these films! Co-sponsored by the Institute for Judaic Studies.
The Rock in the Red Zone with special guest, Director Laura Bialis via Skype
For the past 14 years, the Israeli town of Sderot has been bombarded with rocket fire from the Gaza Strip. Despite the constant fear and regular runs to bomb shelters, Sderot has become an epicenter for rock music in Israel. Director Laura Bialis travels to Israel and finds a community there that is unlike any other.
Discussion to follow film.
Check out our last film of the series on October 13 (Film TBA). We will also have a teen screen on November 3 and will be showing The Other Son.
$8 per film; MJCC members - $5
Registration Code for single ticket: CG107B
$20 series pass; MJCC members - $12
Registration Code for series pass: CG107E
Sponsor: Institute for Judaic Studies