The MJCC proudly presents the 4th Annual Israeli Film Series featuring three extraordinary films. Each film has s theme centered on Immigration and was selected for its quality and ability to excite, delight, enlighten, provoke and/or move viewers to tears or laughter. You will not want to miss out on these films!
Turn Left at the End of the World
The tale of a group of families who emigrate from India to Israel in the late sixties, seeking a better life in what they believe to be the first outpost of the West in Asia. Instead they are sent to a new settlement, in the middle of the desert, populated mostly by Moroccan Jews. An inevitable cultural clash takes place between the two communities--the Indians who consider themselves British and the Moroccans who see themselves as French.
110 minutes, Narrative
$8 per film; MJCC/IJS members - $5
$20 Guest Series Pass; MJCC Members Series Pass - $12
Co-sponsored by the Institute for Judaic Studies, Oregon Jewish Community Foundation - Israel Fund, and the Consulate General of Israel to the Pacific Northwest.
Sponsor: IJS, OJCF - Israel Fund, and the Consulate General of Israel to the Pacific Northwest.