
20 2015

Tashlich Bike Ride

1:00PM - 3:30PM  

Sellwood Riverfront Park SE Spokane & SE Oaks Parkway
Portland, OR 97202

Contact Brian Rohr

Neveh Shalom
Tashlich Bike Ride

Bike down Springwater Willamette trail to Sellwood Riverfront Park. In the tradition of tashlich, cast off previous years missteps for a fresh start.

Several options for riding- gather at 12:45pm and bike with a group from NE, SE or meet at OMSI at 1:15pm to bike the Springwater Corridor trail. Full details to come.

Wear a bike helmet and bring a water bottle. In case of rain, meet at Sellwood Riverfront Park at 2pm for tashlich, ride canceled.

Contact Marianne Zarkin or Jennifer Greenberg for more info. 
Free and open to everyone, sponsored by Mizrach, Neveh Shalom's eastside community.