Portland's Most OutRighteous Purim Party
Come connect, shake it, laugh, celebrate and support Jewish community at this special Co/Lab event. This has been a profoundly difficult time in our community, but even at such times - especially at such times - we have to discover joy. This is a night of unity, celebration and welcoming.
Expect Music, drinks, snack-y food and entertainment to boot: a Purim inspired DRAG SHOW featuring amateur drag artists from the community and pro drag artists Poly Poptart (IG @polypoptart). You are welcome - and encouraged - to bring kids (who must be accompanied by an adult) to the event but note that (1) alcohol is served by bartenders on site and (2) sometime after 8pm the entertainment will take a more grown-up turn!
Here's the schedule:
7pm Music, drinks, conversation with all the fabulous people.