SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 10 AM - 2 PM
Food Making Fest at Gesher — A Bridge Home
Share your cooking energy or desire to learn
Go home with new recipes and some samples for your seder!
While you also help Gesher prepare for its Community Seders on April 22nd and April 23rd.
(Info and RSVP for Gesher's Seders are at www.ourjewishhome.org)
Rabbi Gary and Rabbi Laurie will tell Passover stories while inviting you to cook with them:
Pacific NW Gefilte Fish, Matzah balls, Sephardic Tsimmes, and Homemade Horseradish.
Adults and Children of all ages are fully welcome to join at Gesher, 10701 SW 25th Ave in Portland.
Please RSVP, and find
more info at www.ourjewishhome.org. No charge. Donations welcome.