
25 2018

11th Annual Sara Glasgow Cogan Memorial Lecture - Timothy Snyder

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Portland State University - Smith Ballroom (SMSU 355) 1825 SW Broadway
SMSU 355
Portland, OR 97201
503-725-8449 judaicst@pdx.edu

Contact Harold Schnitzer Family Program in Judaic Studies

11th Annual Sara Glasgow Cogan Memorial Lecture - Timothy Snyder

Please join us for the 11th Annual Sara Glasgow Cogan Memorial Lecture "Resisting Tyranny: Lessons from the European 20th Century" featuring Timothy Snyder of Yale University. If you would like to RSVP for this event, each individual may fill out the RSVP form online or contact our office at judaicst@pdx.edu.

This event is made possible thanks to the generous support of Professor Emeritus Nathan Cogan, the Cogan Family, and the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education.

Cosponsored by the Oregon Jewish Community FoundationThe Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, The Oregon Historical Society, The Mittleman Jewish Community Center/Portland Jewish Academy, the Russian Flagship program, and the Holocaust and Genocide Studies Project.