
16 2015

Intro to the Spiritual Work of Elul with Nate DeGroot

2:00PM - 3:30PM  

P'nai Or of Portland: Jewish Renewal 6948 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland, OR

Contact Zmira Lovejoy
(503) 248-4500

"Intro to the Spiritual Work of Elul" with Mikdash Portland founder and rabbi-to-be Nate DeGroot.

An introduction and overview to the spiritual work of Elul, understanding deeper the rhythm of the month and the how it lends itself to the process of Teshuvah (return). For the first part of the session, Nate will provide some framing and structure to the month and how it fits into the larger rhythms of the Jewish calendar. Participants will have the chance to explore the themes of the month and the invitations it offers to each of us to engage in our own deep practice. The second part of the session will focus on beginning the spiritual work itself, giving participants an opportunity to reflect internally with a variety of writing practices, meditations, and prompts for ongoing consideration. This is a chance to get grounded in the moment and then take the first step towards new beginnings.

Sponsor: P'nai Or of Portland