The MJCC proudly presents the 4th Annual Israeli Film Series featuring three extraordinary films. Each film has s theme centered on Immigration and was selected for its quality and ability to excite, delight, enlighten, provoke and/or move viewers to tears or laughter. You will not want to miss out on these films!
Yolki Palki
A documentary about the Russian community in Israel today - their successes and personal stories. The film is filled with interesting people who talk about their memories of Russia, the anti-Israel lessons, and the reasons that they left. They look back with humor on the difficulties of their aliyah and laugh at their mistakes in Hebrew. Their stories reflect the difficulties, the achievements, the failures of over a million people of that last great wave of immigration: what it means to them to be Israeli and what chances they have of receiving the stamp of "Israeliness."
91 minutes, Documentary
$8 per film; MJCC/IJS members - $5
$20 Guest Series Pass; MJCC/IJS Members Series Pass - $12
Co-sponsored by the Institute for Judaic Studies, Oregon Jewish Community Foundation - Israel Fund, and the Consulate General of Israel to the Pacific Northwest.
Sponsor: IJS, OJCF - Israel Fund, and the Consulate General of Israel to the Pacific Northwest