
15 2023

JGSO: Digging into Finding Aids: The Road Map to Any Manuscript Collection

10:30AM - 12:30PM  

Zoom Zoom registration link URL below or on JGSO website

Contact Janice Sellers
971-266-0005 (leave message)

This talk will be presented by Melissa Barker. Genealogists use all kinds of tools to help with their genealogy research. One of the best tools to understand and use when working with manuscript collections is a finding aid. Archivists develop finding aids to help researchers navigate through manuscript collections to find information. This presentation will help genealogists read, follow, and use finding aids to discover their ancestors in archives.

Melissa Barker is a Certified Archives Manager and public historian currently working at the Houston County, Tennessee Archives. She is known as the Archive Lady in the genealogy community. She lectures, teaches, and writes about the genealogy research process, researching in archives, and records preservation. She writes a blog called "A Genealogist in the Archives" (http://agenealogistinthearchives.blogspot.com/). She has been a professional genealogist for the past 19 years with expertise in Tennessee records and has been researching her own family for 33 years.

Registration link URL: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvdu6tqTIpE9c50EYEbPwBwGgkHMJgcw6S

Sponsor: The Jewish Genealogical Society of Oregon