
23 2016

Live Election Coverage at Havurah's Purim Party

6:30PM - 8:30PM  

Havurah Shalom: Reconstructionist 825 NW 18th Ave
Portland, OR

Contact Teri Ruch

Family Fun, 6:30-7:30 pm
"G.rand O.ld P.urim" Spiel & Drinks, 7:30-8:30 pm

Join us for our Purim Party on March 23!  Please bring Hamantaschen or fruit to share. The first 45 minutes include face painting, fortune telling, games of chance (with prizes!), crafts, and eating and drinking. We'll have both a table for family drinks and a monitored adult beverage table. Bring drinks to share if you wish.

At 7:20 pm we'll have a costume parade and a sing-a-long led by Ilene Safyan.

Our adult spiel, "G.rand O.ld P.urim," begins at 7:30 pm. This year's spiel features Haman, the Dangerous Man with the Comb-Over; Esther, whose name was Hillary before she converted; Mordechai, who feels the Bern – and is the Bern (pictured here in photo by Barbara Gundle); and Havurah's own Rachel Maddowitz. Find more photos of this year's spielers here.

Please RSVP here if you can join us!