
1 2015

Havdallah Gathering

7:30PM - 11:30PM  

beta Mikdash House 2226 NE 10th Ave
Portland, OR

Contact Mikdash

Join Mikdash for this weekly Jewish ritual, where we mark the transition from shabbat to the rest of the week. As the sun sets, come on over for some snacks and singing (7:30). When three stars appear in the sky (about 9pm) the brief ritual will happen. When it ends and night descends, the l'chayyims (drinks) and hanging begin, as we enter into the new week in style. Bring a snack or drink or musical instruments or art supplies or anything else you want to share! As with all gatherings at beta MIKDASH, as you are able, please try to arrive by some means other than car. If you're driving, do not park directly in front of the house, but spread out on the adjacent streets. Thanks!