
24 2022

PSU Alumni Changing the World: The Next Generation of Jewish Leaders

7:00PM - 9:00PM  


Contact Eden Ferede

Join the PDX Hillel for a fascinating conversation with a panel of PSU CHAI (the Cultural and Historical Association for Israel) alumni, who will share the story of CHAI's establishment, the importance of an active pro-Israel community on campus and the challenges of building a safe space on campus. We'll also hear about their unique experiences and how being a student leader affected their lives after graduation.

We're honored to be joined by Portland State University President, Dr. Stephen Percy, who will provide opening remarks about the importance of a thriving Jewish and pro-Israel community on campus. Our panel of alumni include Amy Albertson, a Jewish advocate, educator and activist who is changing the narrative around antisemitism and focusing on Jewish pride, as well as three other young alumni making change in the world. Our alumni panelists will share their stories and then we will open for Q&A from the audience.

To register, go to https://hillel.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0uce-prDIjGNaWnW5SHcySKgLnlCEVxiOv.

Sponsor: PDX Hillel, PSU's CHAI