
3 2022

The Journey of a Nigerian-Israeli Climate Activist

10:30AM - 12:00PM  

To register, go to https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAuceitqzwqHtGm8NL-OTCUb94jKB6SduLa

Contact Lisa Marie Lynch

Join us for an insightful conversation about a young immigrant’s journey across the world (from Portland, Oregon to Tel Aviv) to fight for a sustainable future through the nuances and challenges of the diaspora. Sharona will share her story about her heritage, environmental activism, and current navigation into her new life within Israel. There will also be time for questions and details about her upcoming projects.

Sharona Shnayder is a 21-year-old Nigerian-Israeli environmental activist mobilizing for climate justice in the Middle East. She is also the founder of the global, grassroots movement Tuesdays for Trashhttps://tuesdaysfortrash.com/ inspiring individuals around the world to dedicate Tuesdays--or every day-- for trash picking up, conversing about the waste management issue, demanding better practices from big businesses and becoming responsible citizens working towards a healthier home for all. Additionally, she serves as the Chairwoman of the social justice non-profit OurstreetsPDX http://ourstreetspdx.org and Marketing Manager of the climate-tech startup Albo Climate https://www.albosys.com. Her main passion is to reduce global waste and create a more sustainable, clean and equitable home for everyone on this planet. You can find more information about her here https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5849bcb815d5dbdf6d8f9228/t/6179a3446263a3489680394e/1635361604621/Sharona+Shnayder_CV.pdf.


Sponsor: Co-sponsored by Neveh Shalom's Israel360, PDX Hillel and Portland State University's CHAI.