B’nai B’rith Camp would like to invite you to attend an informational meeting about Kehila, our inclusion program.
Our Kehila program allows us to provide support to children with disabilities so that they can attend camp along with their peers. We are proud to share that BB Camp is one of only 6 camps in the country to have received the three-year Foundation for Jewish Camp/ Ruderman Inclusion Initiative grant and one of only 13 to receive the Let’s ALL Play: National Inclusion Project grant- both ensuring that support staff are available to meet the individualized needs of all campers.
As a result of these grants, we have hired a dedicated inclusion specialist, Cheryl Peizner. Cheryl has served as an independent Family and Educational Support Consultant and worked for the Oregon Department of Education and the OTAC (Oregon Technical Assistance Corp). Her specialty is with Autism Spectrum Disorders, but she has experience in most other neurological disorders in the DSMR.
At the informational meeting, Cheryl will meet with families to describe “a day in the life” of our summer camp program and answer any questions you might have. We would also appreciate hearing from you about the needs of your child(ren) and how they can participate in an enriched Jewish overnight camp.
B’nai B’rith Camp is a proud member of the community task force formed by Jewish Federation and Jewish Family and Child Services to address the religious and individual needs of Jewish families within the PDX community.I hope you will be able to join us on May 6th! We look forward to hearing your ideas, as well as outlining the great opportunity that Camp provides for all young people!