Havurah Shalom High Holidays – Tashlich Service on East Side of Portland
We will meet at Sellwood Riverfront Park, Picnic Area B, via SE Spokane to SE Grand Ave.
Let go of our accumulated sins and transgressions by symbolically casting away breadcrumbs at Sellwood Riverfront Park. Following first day services for Rosh Hashanah, we’ll meet for a musical Tashlich ceremony and meditate on where and who we have been, as well as where we want to go and who we want to be. This part of the t’shuvah process helps to purify our hearts and our souls as the New Year begins.
Bring something to share at the vegetarian potluck immediately following Tashlich. Those with last names starting H-Z, please bring salad or dessert; those with A-G, please bring a vegetarian main dish. Plus, bring drinks for yourself and your family. Havurah will provide some drinks and ice. Don’t forget the breadcrumbs!
Please RSVP with the names of family members and the names and ages of your children planning to attend at tinyurl.com/HavTashlich by Sept. 14.
More information about Havurah's High Holidays services can be found at havurahshalom.org/high-holidays.