PDX Virtual Celebration
Join us virtually throughout the day on Sunday, April 18 to celebrate Israel Independence Day! Events will include cooking demos, arts and crafts sessions, virtual tours of Israel, sing alongs including Hatikvah and more!
Check out the full schedule at oregonjcc.org/yomhaatzmaut
JCCA Moments of Pride Through Israeli Innovation
Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at 5:00 PM
On the eve of Israel’s 73rd independence celebration, our program will open with a virtual tour of the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation and an interview with Chemi Peres, the chairman of the Center’s board and the co-founder and managing general partner of Pitango venture capital fund, which invests widely in the technology field, from IT to medicine. https://virtualjcc.com/watch/yom-haatzmaut-days-of-memory