
29 2015

Mommy and Me with a Jewish Twist Summer Session

10:00AM - 11:00AM  

Custer Park 7460 SW Capitol Hill Rd
Portland, OR 97219

Contact Mimi Wilhelm

Mommy and Me with a Jewish Twist Summer Session
Bringing the mommy and me fun outdoors! 

Join other moms and bond with your child while exploring their Jewish world through play, music & movement, stories and crafts. 

An innovative program for infants and toddlers to explore Jewish themes in a stimulating, fun, and creative atmosphere. Make new friends as we explore the child's world through music, stories, crafts, and multi-sensory experiences.

4 Wednesday Mornings: July 29th - August 19th
10:00 - 11:00 am
Healthy Snacks are Provided; No Charge
For Children 0-36 months
A community project of The Gan in conjunction with PJ Library Portland.
On Facebook
For more information and to RSVP please email: mimi@PortlandJewishPreschool.com