
11 2017

Purim Celebration--Around the World with Congregation Shir Tikvah

5:00PM - 7:30PM  

Congregation Shir Tikvah: Independent/Progressive Services at The Bridgeport Building
7550 NE Irving Street
Portland, OR

Contact Amelia Schroth

It's time to put an end to evil Haman!

Get out your wildest costume and join Shir Tikvah for a festive meal and family-friendly reading of the Megillah.

This year's Purim will have an international twist - including customs from Italy, Tunisia and France, as well as treats from Syria and Morocco. Enjoy the entries in our annual Hamantaschen contest for dessert.  

Doors open at 5:00. Dinner at 5:30. Megillah reading at 6:15.

$18 per family

Register here before March 9th.