Purim Unmasked: Stories, Songs, Comedy, and the Whole Megillah
Join us for Purim fun led by CNS clergy and teens! There will be creative skits, music and presentations on the theme of hiding and revealing our true selves, and a full Megillah reading.
6:00pm: Dinner
7:00pm: Program begins
Dinner: $18/adult, $12/kids, $54/family max. RSVP at: tinyurl.com/cnspurim5778
Join Shoreshim and ALIYAH for Purim fun prior to dinner with carnival games, art projects, stories & song.
4:30pm: K-6th grade & siblings
5:15pm: Ages 0-5
Free and open to the community. RSVP for non-members: jbezodis@nevehshalom.org