
24 2018

Shabbat in Wilshire Park with Baruch Morris & Friends

6:00PM - 8:00PM  

Wilshire Park NE 35th and Skidmore Ave
Portland, OR 97212

Contact Gayle Lovejoy

Shabbat in Wilshire Park with Baruch Morris & Friends

This summer, P’nai Or is taking it outside! Please join us at 6 pm on Friday, Aug 24 at Wilshire Park (NE 33rd & Skidmore) picnic area for a very joyful, very musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Bruce Morris and friends.

We’ll start with a bring-your-own-picnic at 6 pm, then the service will start around 6:30. We will also offer our Community Food Program distribution prior to the service.

See you there!

Sponsor: P'nai Or of Portland