
4 2014

Shir Tikvah Yom Kippur Family Service

1:00PM - 2:00PM  

Congregation Shir Tikvah: Independent/Progressive Services at The Bridgeport Building
7550 NE Irving Street
Portland, OR

Contact Amelia Schroth

Make plans to bring the whole family to Yom Kippur at Shir Tikvah. After the service, we will harvest the garden for skhakh  for the sukkah.

Daytime High Holy Days services at Shir Tikvah are open to the community.

If you would like to join us, please let us know: which services you will be attending; how many will be coming; your email and phone number. Submit your rsvp to rsvp@shirtikvahpdx.org or call 503.473.8227

We are located at 7550 NE Irving Street, Portland, OR 97213.