
24 2017

Shomrei Teva Old-Growth Tashlich Hike at Oxbow Park

9:30AM - 2:30PM  

Oxbow Regional Park 3010 SE Oxbow Pkwy
Gresham, OR 97080

Contact Jordan Epstein

Shomrei Teva Old-Growth Tashlich Hike at Oxbow Park

Join Shomrei Teva for our annual Tashlich hike at Oxbow Park on. We’ll hike in an old growth forest, learn and use Jewish nature prayers, have an enjoyable picnic, and cap it off with a special Tashlich service on the banks of the beautiful Sandy River.

Meet at Neveh Shalom at 9:30am or at Oxbow at 10:30am. Dress for the weather and bring a simple picnic lunch.

RSVP requested: Jordan Epstein,, 503-245-6580.

Family friendly!