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Spring Monthly Mitzvah Projects


Mittleman Jewish Community Center 6651 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland, OR

Contact Lenny Steinberg

Spring Monthly Mitzvah Projects

Each month the MJCC and PJA communities will collect items for the monthly mitzvah. Drop off items in the blue bin in the MJCC lobby. Check the display for how you can participate and donate to these worthy causes.

This project reflects the Jewish commitment to Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), providing opportunities to give back to our community.

Please drop off items in the blue bin in the MJCC Lobby.
April - Pet Toys for Cat Adoption Team and Oregon Dog Rescue 
May - Household Supplies for Organizations Serving Refugees
June - Fruit for Shavuot for Neighborhood House Food Pantry

Sponsor: MJCC, PJA