
13 2019

Sukkah decorating party with story time, songs and potluck

3:00PM - 6:00PM  

Congregation P’nai Or of Portland

Contact Hilda Welch
(971) 401-0310‬

Please join Congregation P’nai Or of Portland on Erev Sukkot for outdoor crafts, sukkah decorating, story, songs and vegetarian potluck in a beautiful farm garden setting. If able, please bring herbs, fruit or other greenery to help decorate the sukkah.

Location is at a private residence in West Linn. Please email Hilda Welch for address: welchhilda@gmail.com

To learn more about P'nai Or: https://www.pnaiorpdx.org

Sponsor: P'nai Or of Portland and PJ Library