Join us as our community comes together to celebrate the Festival of Lights
On Friday, December 19th, we will celebrate Shabbat and the 4th Night of Chanukah.
Dinner will start at 6:00pm
Reservations Required - RSVP Here
Dinner will include:
- Roasted Chicken
- Vegetarian Main Dish
- Salad
- Latkes and Apple Sauce
- Sufganiot for dessert (jelly donuts)
Don't forget to bring your handcrafted Chanukah Menorah for the Great Chanukiah Challenge!
Our Shabbat Worship Service will follow at 7:00
***You do not need to be present at dinner to attend services***
LIMITED SEATING - make your reservation today.
Due to space limitations, we are unable to accommodate walk-ins.
If you are in need of financial assistance, please contact Allison Fowler in the office at 503-568-1241 or before sending in your reservation. Your contact will be held in confidence.