
9 2019

Yom Kippur Break & Evening Services at Shaarie Torah

1:30PM - 9:30PM  

Congregation Shaarie Torah: Conservative 920 NW 25th Avenue
Portland, OR

Contact Congregation Shaarie Torah

Join us for Yom Kippur afternoon at Shaarie Torah. Beginning around 1:30pm, we will have classes, meditation time, and more. Following our afternoon break, Minchah will begin at 5pm. Neliah starts at 6:30pm, ma'ariv at 7:05pm, and havdalah/kids walk of lights at 7:20pm. Break the fast with us after at 7:30pm.

Tickets must be presented upon entry at our building.

For tickets, sign ups, childcare, and more, please visit shaarietorah.org/hhd