~Services are as follows:
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Community Minyan in the Social Hall: 10:00 AM
Preschool Activities in the Childcare Room: 10:00 AM
Teen Discussion: 12:30 PM
Middle School in the Youth Lounge, High School in the Chapel
Yizkor Memorial Service: 11:30AM
Musaf: 12:30 PM
Mincha: 4:30 PM
Neilah Service: 6:00 PM
Children’s Processional: 7:00 PM
Service Concludes / Ma’ariv: 7:30 PM
Following the Ma’ariv service, all are welcome to join the Sisterhood sponsored “Break Fast.”
Tickets required. For information please contact the synagogue at 503-226-6131.
You may also download paperwork for tickets and other information here.