JR stories

Jewish Review Editor's Column

(NOTE: In future issues, this space will be available for community leaders and others to share views on issues affecting our community. For this first issue of the Jewish Review, as editor I am sharing my views on the need for this community publication.)
Jewish Review Edit…

Monthly Mitzvah: Tzedakah

Chabad celebrates 36 years in Oregon with Mitzvah Campaign

On Jan. 15, 1984 (Rosh Chodesh Shevat), Rabbi Moshe Wilhelm and family arrived in Portland and founded Chabad of Oregon. Chabad of Oregon now has 10 Chabad centers offering learning and outreach in communities around Oregon.
To cele…

Rabbi's Corner: Parshat Tetzaveh: Here, there, everywhere

By Eve Posen

At our twice-monthly Tot Shabbat celebrations, we sing about how “God is everywhere, and God is one.” We then ask the children to tell us where they might find God, and the range of answers is beautifully diverse. We find God in the sky, the trees, the sun and the moon. An…

Teen Corner: BBYO Siganit

Abbie Johnson reflects on her journey to become international siganit (vice president) of BBYO. BRIEFS: Maccabi team has openings; Scholar athlete nominations due; Writing and art contest deadline March 20

United in Spirit debuts with Southern Rites

A year of programming exploring the historic connection between the Jewish and African American communities began with a new exhibit about segregated high school proms. It will culminate with an October Civil Rights mission co-lead by African American and Jewish leaders.