JR stories

In home or dorm, college students have different year

In the first of a series of facilitated conversations, parents of college students will get tips on how to help their offspring thrive in these challenging times. Future conversations will focus on parents of various age groups and families coping with mental health issues.

Young Adults Online: Social justice; PDX Hillel; ADL leadership institute

Young adults invited to explore social justice with five rabbis; PDX Hillel shares comics legend; and Apply for ADL leadership institute by Oct. 31.

Books & Authors: Love Letters; Jewish Voices

Dear Selma: A World War II Love Letter Romance is based on the letters that united Portlanders Bernard Brown and Selma Nepom for a 72-year marriage. Oregon Jewish writers and poets will once again share readings in what has become a virtual event this year.

Job Board: CSP CFO

The Jewish Review publishes job openings from local Jewish agencies and congregations. Cedar Sinai Park has begun the search for a chief financial officer.

Chaplain's Corner: The healing power of Shabbat

One way to heal the damage inflicted by the past seven months is to turn to the gift we receive every week: Shabbat. Use this time to decompress and get in touch with what we are feeling during this pandemic.