JR stories

Confronting Hate explores anti-Asian history

PHOTO: Chinese merchants arrived in Portland early in the city's history. But stereotypes and the Exclusion Act led to violence against the community. Now new stereotypes blaming Asians for COVID-19 have sparked a new wave of violence. Attacks have soared nationwide and a dozen Asian-owned b…

Are the kids all right?


How are our teens doing?
Mel Berwin has been asking herself this question a lot. Particularly throughout January, Mental Health Awareness Month.
She knew that during January, organizations like the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, Portland Area Jewish Educato…

Jewish community steps up once again to fight hunger

PHOTO: Last fall, 78 households responded to the call to aid those facing food and housing insecurity and dropped off 745 food sacks and other essentials on Mitzvah Morning. Now, more drop off sites have been added for a pre-Passover food drive to bring in even more food for three food pantr…

Free loan has funds available

By almost any measure, the Jewish Free Loan of Greater Portland has been a rousing success since its founding five years ago. The lending pool has doubled, there have been no defaults, loan amounts ahve increased, approval time has gotten shorter and a special pool of quick loans was added…

PJA to resume in-person learning

Portland Jewish Academy will offer in-person learning for kindergarten through fifth grade beginning in March, nearly a year after the day school shifted to distance learning at the start of the pandemic.