JR stories

Three families reflect on very different Sukkot

Three families who usually host friends and family galore, expect fewer guests of the human variety in their sukkah this year. Though maybe more cats and other critters will enjoy the holiday dwellings.

Rabbi's Corner: Measure 110 a humane, effective approach to drug addiction

Measure 110 would shift Oregon to a health-based approach to drugs and addiction. Instead of punishing people for drug possession, we’d expand access to drug addiction treatment and recovery.

Jewish community weighs in on Oregon’s ethnic studies standards

A Sept. 15 Zoom meeting gave members of the Jewish Community Relations Council and Jewish educators the opportunity to comment on the most recent draft of Oregon Ethnic Studies standards and concepts.

Teen Corner: Teen calls for action through middot

BY MAZZI KATZEN I am seeing how the Jewish values I've learned can and should be applied in our current struggles with a pandemic and racial injustice.

News in Brief Sept. 30, 2020

How to be Anti-Racist; Kesser Israel to celebrate Jodi Fried; Shofar Across Oregon & SW Washington; Women's ReJewvenation retreat goes virtual; PJA's after-school challah session; Portland gets page on JewishGen; and Monthly Mitzvah: Mikvah.