Marc's Remarks

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Summer Round-Up

I recently watched the movie Grease (again) and cannot get the song, Summer Nights out of my head. The song starts, “Summer loving, had me a blast…”

More To Be Done

This past Wednesday morning, we began the day with the horrific news of a terrorist attack on a bus of Israeli tourists at the Sarafovo Airport in Burgas, Bulgaria.

What is Jewish Philanthropy

I recently had a conversation with a community member who was concerned that more people in the Jewish community do not contribute to Jewish-specific causes.


Whew! I must admit I am happy the summer is finally here (although when I moved here I was told it officially starts on July 4thwhen the rain ceases until the end of October).

Fear or Opportunity? NYC and PDX

Rabbi Donniel Hartman, President of the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, wrote earlier this week, “The Jewish people have perfected a new weapon in our crisis arsenal, a weapon guaranteed to marshal the prerequisite quota of fear and concern needed to fuel Jewish communal life –…