Marc's Remarks

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Winning Isn’t Everything

I was born in Atlanta and have been a diehard Atlanta Falcons fan since birth. Yes, I grew up in Orlando, and despised the fact our TV market was stuck watching the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Miami Dolphins games.

Extraordinary Learning Experience

Let me start by saying…Thank You! Thank you for a great start to our 2013 Annual Campaign. As you may recall, one of our goals was to “speed up the pace” of this year’s campaign with major emphasis in October and November.

The Next Generation

Happy and healthy new year to you and your family. And, congratulations to the Oregon Ducks for their victory in the Fiesta Bowl last night.

Tis the Time

Sing with me – Tis the season to be… – we all know the words and hear it plenty during this time of year.