Marc's Remarks

Weekly insights, community news, and updates from our President and CEO. To subscribe to these emails please visit - - and click on "PLEASE SIGN UP HERE TO RECEIVE EMAILS FROM US" near the top of the page and add your email to the Community News and Updates list.

New Year's Thoughts

Over the past few days, as many of us do, I took time to make some new year’s resolutions – both personal and professional. To aspire to do more and to do differently is a positive step forward.

The Real Network

To me, Jerry Stern (z”l) was so genuine and kind. And always with a smile. He was generous to me in so many ways, and someone who loved to reminisce. In fact, I have yet to meet anyone in Portland who loved the “old neighborhood” (South Portland) as much as Jerry.

Are You Prepared

On Wednesday night, the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland sponsored an emergency preparedness workshop for our Jewish community. I am not an expert on the subject, but please consider this week’s Remarks as a "layman's" public service announcement...

Community Pride

As a Jewish community we should take great pride in the impact we are having in our metro area, as well as in Jewish communities around the world! I am excited to share that our Annual Campaign continues to grow...

The Lows and Highs

Once a month, the professional team at the Jewish Federation has a brown bag lunch together. Beyond the team building, it is also a way for us to talk together on a variety of topics of interest to our group. Sadly, the focus yesterday was terrorism around the world...