Marc's Remarks

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The UN and the GA

This past week, Michael Jeser, Director of Financial Resource Development, and I had the pleasure of representing our Federation at the annual Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) General Assembly (GA)...

Sadly, More Work

The past few weeks have been quite challenging. The Jewish Federation learned that on October 7, the Portland Human Rights Commission (HRC) voted unanimously to support a proposal by Occupation Free-Portland to push city leaders to block city investments in four companies (Hewlett Packard,…

What Might Have Been

On Wednesday, representatives from The Abraham Fund spoke to a small leadership group about their efforts in Israel. The Abraham Fund is an Israel-based organization focused on improving the policy and practice of a “shared society” (no longer just co-existence) in Israel between…

Fifty Years of Stronger Relations

October 28, 1965 transformed Catholic-Jewish relations. Fifty years ago a landmark document inaugurated historic changes in the Catholic Church’s relations with other faiths. That document, officially titled the Declaration on the Relations of the Church to Non-Christian Religions, better…

Terror Strikes

Former Chief Rabbi of England Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks wrote this morning, “What do you do when terror strikes, when all sense of security is lost, when you feel yourself surrounded by hate, when the voice of reason is drowned out by the clamor of rage, when all hope for the future seems…